Hubby and I went to a Halloween party last night dressed as many taxpayers' worst nightmare. Who says you have to be a monster to be scary?
Oh, and for the record, in Missouri a "Hoosier" is not someone who lives in Indiana but rather one who dwells in the less sophisticated areas of the state. Also refers to the type of people who often need DNA testing to determine the timeless question: "Who's your daddy?"
Shake and Bake! Baby!
And I helped!
Hahaha, way to work the tummy in that get up! Awesome!
that... is disturbing.
also?! who doesn't know what a hoosier is!!!?! :)
Ha ha! My friend's wife was preggers last Halloween, and used it to dress as a heavy metal high school chick. :)
Great costume idea!!! You look awesome.
To AJ - Us Californicatin' types are a little dense about Hoosiers. I thought that was a football term of some sort.
Crazy fun costumes!
Fantastic costumes!
That is an awesome costume! Way to integrate your pregnancy in a creative way! You still look good by the way.
Love it! And as a former Missourian, I totally appreciate the Hoosier reference. I sometimes slip and use that word up here and I get the HUH? looks.
Cute costumes! And you're definitely looking pregnant!
NICE! That has to be one of the most creative costumes I've seen in years. Normally I think it's just a cop-out when a chick dresses up as a slut for Halloween, but this costume is priceless!
that is so awesome!
I was tempted, when pregnant, to dress like a schoolgirl. THAT would have been disturbing. Especially if I had convinced my husband to dress as a priest.
oh wicked I am.
Happy halloweenie!
OMG, that is sooooooooo funny! The cigarette puts the icing on the cake.
oh my god, that is too funny! :) love love love the costumes!!
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