Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This morning, in the pool, I made peace with my body and where its at right now. Coincidentally, or not, this has led to a chain reaction of happy goodness and one of my best days ever.

From the beginning:

Last night - Tri-Hubby shows me the back cover of The Conservationist. On it is a picture of best friend whom I haven't spoken with in 3 and a half years (does that make her my ex-best friend). She has adopted a section of the Blair Creek Trail, the trail Tri-Hubby and I hiked last month for our anniversary - the trail where I first suspected that I might be "with child". What a weird coincidence. I silently hope she is doing well and, once again, regret parting ways with her.

Alarm rings at 4:20a.m. Ugh. Nibble some cereal, set the timer for 10 min. and rest some more - all per "manage morning sickness" instructions.

4:30 a.m.- out of bed. Tri-Hubby is getting over a bug and opts to sleep in this morning. I go upstairs and check my email. Unbelievably, there is an email from my best friend. Its not to me, but to an email group we both belong to - but it has her email on it. I send her a quick note about the magazine without much expectation of hearing back from her - its been so long, so much water under that bridge. I get my shtuff together and head out the door.

5:00 a.m. - in the pool. The workout today is a series of long intervals - 300s and 400s. I've already decided that, after Friday and the pity fest that followed that swim, I will take it easy - no sprints, no pushing. The long sets allow me to find my rhythm, enjoy the water, and daydream about what life will be like when the baby comes, resuming "training" again and what it might be like next fall, competing in the Lake St. Louis Sprint. These dreams keep me content to coast and keep my heart rate steady. I get in 2900 yds and leave the pool feeling a bit tired but refreshed.

7:00 a.m. - back home. I'm actually able to ingest a cup of coffee. Caffeine is not my best friend right now but a little kick is really helpful - and has been impossible to stomach since last week. I take my little cup of joe as a good sign that I just might feel good today.

9:00 a.m - work - I open my email and find an email from my best friend. She is not my ex-best friend. She is happy that I emailed her as she's been thinking about me but has lost my email address. To top it off, she's in love and doing fabulously. We agree to speak this evening - too much water under that bridge to cover in an email. I find myself leaking tears of joy. I have missed her so very much.

The rest of the day - Reprieve from morning sickness, actual tangible energy and finally a peace that my body has a job to do. I am not a lump, I am not a wuss, my body will not be "destroyed". I am grateful that I have the fitness base that I do to get me through the endurance event that is pregnancy. I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for everything. Ahh. That feels so good.



Carrie said...

Such a nice turn around.

I never felt that overall pregnancy glow while I was pregnant with my kids like you see with some pregnant women. So the days that you catch glimmers of that glow make the discomfort all worthwhile.

I also learned that the surrogate mother thing isn't so bad. My sister did all the work, gained all the weight, and I get the baby. Well, at least when I visit her I get to pretend like my niece is my baby!

21stCenturyMom said...

What a great day! A best friend reunion, a not sick day and a great swim.

Like Stronger I didn't love being pregnant but I wasn't in good shape and I didn't eat well. Unlike most women I loved giving birth. And best of all - you get a baby!! That more than makes it worth it.

teacherwoman said...

Peace is good.

Vickie said...

I'm happy you have found your long lost friend, not ex. It gives you a link to the past that cannot be broken. As for making peace with your body, that is good. You need to accept that you are in transition and your day will come one day again.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

2900 yd swim is nothing to sneer at. Not kidding - you are still a powerful woman!

Yay for old friends - they know you in a different way than new friends, it's important to keep connections.

No Wetsuit Girl said...

Hooray for old friends. There's nothing better than seeing someone for the first time in years and it's like you saw them yesterday - only there's a lot more to talk about. Glad you had a happy day.

Comm's said...

i think we all change our stable of friends every few years but bff's are bff's no matter how long its been since the last communication

Marathoner in Training said...

That is a good day, of coarse any day that you do not have morning sickness is a good day. As for your friend, you can now keep in touch. I have not talked to my best friend in over a year. Our lives drifted us apart, but I am certain that someday we will be hanging out together again.

jeanne said...

what a terrific day. it's so tough when we fall out with friends...and so hard to reconnect. kudos to you for taking the first step that made the rest possible!

Michelle said...

Yah, life is good. One day at a time.

Krista said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing so well - today, anyway :) Pregnancy is full of ups and downs and it's good to be able to savor the positive things that will come from this experience.

Lori said...

That day sounds so much better than your last post. I am so emotional while pregnant :P That is just awesome that you reconnected with your best friend! And seriously, how about God putting her back in your line of sight? That was obviously not without reason :)

Jane said...

Hey where have you been?

You know, my sister swam until really late in her pregnancy, almost til she delivered. Toward the end I don't think she was getting much aerobic benefit, but it made her feel better.

Anonymous said...
