Monday, October 1, 2007

Before and After



I'm just sayin.


teacherwoman said...

I am really hoping there is a baby in that belly! You look so cute!

Laurie said...

Awwwww, cute pregnant belly.

Jane said...

You're a pretty hot pregnant momma. You can wear all those cute fashionable maternity clothes instead of the tents.

21stCenturyMom said...

Whoa! How pregnant are you?? You look great but for such recent news... well.. you look .. oh never mind... let us not talk of multiples just yet.

You look adorable, though!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Don't sweat it - I hear you always show faster with the second kid.

You look great!

No Wetsuit Girl said...

Ummmm, time to lay off the burritos!

Bolder said...

i think the before, had something to do with the after...

p.s. met a blogger 'Heather from Awk' in my last post... she's a theater PhD and mommy who is a kickass triathlete... told her about you, thought the two of you might have some stuff in common... there's a link in my post!

Heather said...


thanks for dropping by my blog! Nice to virtually meet you, and congrats on the upcoming offspring! I will be following your training adventures, as I am curious to know what's "okay" to keep doing at various stages of pregnancy and how it all works out for you. Keep in touch-- H--

Carrie said...

That was a fast belly pop!

Michelle said...

Looks perfect!

Vickie said...

Wow! You really are showing. Do you have a due date? Is it soon? (Just kidding!) Makes me wonder if there are twins or more in there! When is the big date??

jeanne said...

i'm thinking there's somebody in there! you're looking GOOD! don't listen to all those fools who are implying...whatever they're implying!

a.maria said...


a.maria said...

ok i'm not gunna lie, seeing that makes me freak out a little.

