Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It's Official

Official Results
Time: 25:35"11
3rd Place Female 30-39


Man, only a tenth of a second or so and This Chick

Would've been third and I'd have been second.

Oh, well. No regrets. This is the first time ever that I've even come close to placing - so it was a small race, I'm still proud.

All the waiting . . . .

Was totally worth it!!

Thanks for your support, everyone!!! You guys really helped me to believe that I could do it - and believing is half the battle.


Bolder said...


great pics.

Donald said...

Yahoo! Nice job.

Carrie said...

Check you out- flexin' hottie!

teacherwoman said...

Super hottie! Nice job!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

right on! Clearly, you rock!

Anonymous said...


believing--i wrote a whole post on it just last night; it's amazing what you can do when you believe...

Vickie said...

Congrats! You deserved it! You've worked hard.

21stCenturyMom said...

I'm reading from the top down but where in the world did you get "I'm slow" from? I mean really - a 5K in 25 minutes!!?? You are NOT slow. At all.

jeanne said...

how did i miss this!! WOW! I'm impressed.

i'm impressed with the chick who came in second ... i won't be crass and say WHY i'm impressed...
but naw, i'm impressed with you!
and you are LOOKIN' GOOD!