Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Did I Mention . . .

I'm acting again. The more I hoped and prayed for an opportunity to work part time, the more the road led to my old, nasty acting habit. It started with an offer to perform as a guest artist at my graduate alma mater - the lead in Dangerous Liasons. The pay was better than any other part time job I could do in the evenings and the opportunity to perform such an incredible role - and to open a new, spectacular theatre for the University - was too good to pass up. We open tomorrow. Hopefully, its like riding a bike.

Next week, I go back to the children's theatre I worked for when I walked away from the bizz two years ago. I'll be acting as well as doing administrative work 20 hours a week. I can bring Noah to the office and will be home in time to pick Boy Genius up from school. Perfect!

Funny how life works. Now, if I can just get back in the pool . . .


Marathoner in Training said...

Best of luck to you and your acting career. Just remember us little people when you are famous. Now, how many times have you heard that.

Carrie said...

That's all awesome news

Tom Rice said...

This is fantastic news. Seems things are falling nicely into place. I wish you and your little herd all the best.

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice news!! So, how has it been working out?!

I had to scroll down and see all the hospital photos of the little guy! CUTE!!

Speed Racer said...

Nice! Dangerous Liaisons, that means you get to act like a slut, right? I always thought those roles would be so much more fun to play than the goodie-two-shoes heroines of most plays. I bet you were great!

Look like things are really coming together. How's the training going?