Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Times, They Are A'Changin'

I begin training my replacement for work tomorrow. Talk about a reality check. To truly understand that I am replaceable, and being replaced - though this is what I asked for - is a scary thing. My plan is to work from home, initially taking in "overflow" from other smaller law firms. Eventually, I would like to write. I'm not sure the form that writing would take - I've considered copywriting, non-fiction, and fiction. I actually have the bones for at least two novels in my head and on paper. And there is my book idea on Heroes still in the very beginning stages. None of that is going to pay the bills right away, however. Its a year of new beginnings. And I'm asceart. But I've been asceart before and survived. Yet another reason to be thankful for last season and the plethora of lessons and triumphs that I took away from my dance with The Beast. And make no mistake about it, we WILL dance again. And again and again and again. My long term plan is Ironman when the baby in my belly goes into first grade. Until then, I will make the shorter distances my bones to chew on.

Meanwhile, my little bit is kicking away - becoming the reality for the Beast in my Belly metaphor of a thousand years ago. It seems like a thousand years ago, anyway. We had our ultrasound a few days ago. So I know. I know baby's name and parts and all that. So, as an informal poll, tell me - do you want to know? Should I keep it a secret to draw out the "suspense" or do you, like me, believe that suspense is false when somebody knows the answer? Let me know in the comments section as I don't have the def skills like Speed Racer to put one of those fancy poll type links in my blog. In that way, at least, I guess I'm old fashioned.

So, here we go, my sweet, gentle, bad ass readers. Another journey. Another adventure. Yeehaw!


Marathoner in Training said...

I personally would like to know. I am impressed with your ironman goal, write it down and have it laminated or framed, and hang it on the wall. Then you can see it every day.
You did not say, but I am assuming that the ultrasound went well, and everything appears healthy.

Carrie said...


21stCenturyMom said...

Time to let the beast out of the bag, so to speak. Why not?

I never knew with any of my kids but the gender news was never the big deal, anyhow. It was the 'is everything perfect' news that mattered and it sounds like your baby is cooking along just fine!

Anonymous said...

Tell us!!!! We can't wait! Maybe keep the name a suprise but not the sex!!! Love your blog.

Speed Racer said...

Yippee for writing! I don't think I could ever write a book, especially one from my imagination. I got wind of this writing contest, though: http://www.colorado.edu/journals/divide/sports-adventure.html
They're looking for fiction or essays on the theme of Sporting and adventure - finding the extraordinary in the subtle and the momentous. You should give it a try.

I want to know what "it" is! It's not my baby, so the surprise isn't nearly as intriguing. I think you should put a poll up for the name though. (From your dashboard go to Layout, then Add New Page Element. It's your first choice in the right column). I think you should name it Candlebox.

Anonymous said...

That sounds great! I hope your transition goes smoothly!