Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Half Way There

Those of you who know me from "before" may recognize this previous me - during T1 of my First and Only Oly Tri.

Then there was the first inkling of a belly - just a few short weeks after we found out that we were growing something up in 'dere.

Now, I'm at the half-way mark and looking considerably more, well, more.

So, yeah, Speedy is right. I've been doing a lot of griping, bitching and moaning. And I'm not sure that the above shot warrants all that griping, bitching and moaning. But, there it is. Only four months and change to go.


Jane said...

Lookin' pretty good actually!

Marathoner in Training said...

I think that you are doing wonderful, keep up the great work, and griping is allowed. Your husband is probably a great guy and will be happy to put up with it for the next 4 or so months. Keep your spirits high.

21stCenturyMom said...

You look adorable! And although you popped right out at the beginning your growth seems normal and not too fast right now.

I hope you are feeling good!

Tom Rice said...

The 51st state! A little smaller than Rhode Island. Hang in there and keep smiling. This is so special.

Lori said...

You have such a cute belly! And just think of that little one getting bigger and stronger in there! So exciting!

Speed Racer said...

So when your belly button pops out is it a gradual process, or does it happen all of a sudden? Because if it happens all of a sudden, I want the video of that!

teacherwoman said...

You look great!

jeanne said...

you look terrific for 1/2 way! i was the size of a house by that point!

hope you feel as good as you look. and congrats on the boy!

triguyjt said...

just found your blog, thanks to donald...
congrats on the little boy in the oven.