It seems ridiculous to even apologize for my absence - its been so long. What can I say? Circumstances have been changing so fast, its been hard to get my head around it. I was informed by my bosses on March 20th that March 31st would be my last day. Thanks for everything, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Since then, I've been floating between the gestational bliss of simply chillin' and nesting and feeling completely useless and without purpose - a dead weight on my family's strained financial situation. Fortunately, the bliss is more frequent than the pity parties.
And my days for chillin' and basking in the sunshine are numbered, friends. My due date is two weeks from today. Yowza. My doctor is reluctant to "let" me go overdue as last weeks ultrasound indicated that our little guy is already well over eight pounds. Sure, those things are historically inaccurate but, as my first was a ten pounder, it seems to follow that this guy would not want to be outdone. So, I'm trying to gently encourage a timely arrival - Crunchy Mama does not want to throw down with the Medical Establishment over induction and other ugly Intervention type words. If May 27 comes and goes with no baby, I'll be getting more aggressive. Castor Oil doesn't appeal but it may just trump Pitocin. Fortunately for Hubby (or not fortunately, I guess you'd have to get his point of view on the subject) sex is an excellent natural induction technique. This late in the game, however, such methods do require a sense of humor. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated. I've been trying to down as much red raspberry leaf tea as possible. Black and Blue Cohosh scare me as I've read they lead to thinning of the blood and I'm already anemic. Still, fair or not fair, I see Pitocin as my mortal enemy. I couldn't tell you why,exactly, I'm just stubborn, I guess.
With triathlon training season in full bloom, I can often be found gazing wistfully at cyclists in full kit and runners cruising down the sidewalk as I drive past, barely fitting behind the steering wheel. My time will come again. The jogging stroller (a B.O.B.!!) is in the garage at the ready. I plan on getting the car seat adapter for it - does anybody know if you can run with that? Otherwise, he'll have to be six months before I can run with him in the stroller. That seems interminably long. Still, Hubby is supportive and amazing with babies so, I'm sure I'll be running before the summer is over. Maybe just for a block at a time, but I'll be running. Mark. My. Words.
I hope everyone's season is going swimmingly. And bikingly. And runningly. I'll take some time from my nesting, chilling bliss to visit your blogs. Much love - and I'll keep you updated!
Yay for almost baby time!
I used castor oil - it was not pleasant but neither is pitocin. Just take a little, though - like a tablespoon and not the whole bottle like I did. And do NOT mix it with OJ. I may never forgive my ex-SIL for that little bit of advice.
Anyhow - I hope your little guy tries to beat a hasty retreat to the door, so to speak so you don't have to do anything extra to get him out.
Great photo. I hope your "transition" in two weeks (or more, or less) will go smoothly.
I was just stopping by to ask you if it was time yet, and you beat me to it! On Perfect Strangers (remember that show?) they took a pregnant woman up in a hot air balloon and the change in pressure induced labor. And then I think they had to deliver the baby in a hot air balloon. One thing's for sure, this Friday is the COOLEST BIRTHDAY OF THE YEAR, so I say you should book your hot air balloon reservation for Thursday evening.
Good luck, crunchy mama! I can't wait till we get you back!
So glad you posted. Thought you had dropped your blog. Can't wait for Tri-baby.
I hear yogic squats can induce labor after the 35th week, so they're "not recommended" (hah!). Your mileage may vary but they're better than Castor Oil. I went the pitocin route myself with my first daughter, and our second child is due in August so we'll see how that goes. I too share your wistful looks at those in training. Next season will be ours!
that sucks about the job. will you take unemployment insurance? do yo think they did it b/c of your pregnancy?
Kind of stupid to ask, but i deal with issues like this quite a lot.
I hope your delievery is the way you want.
You are almost there, you are doing great. Yadda yadda. I can only sympathise with you. I hope you had some time get everything ready and double checked. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the little one. You will be on the bike and running in no time.
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