Friday, March 9, 2007

Rest Day

I'm finally feeling up to par. I know this because today is my rest day and I feel restless. I've only missed one of my regular workouts - and it was a planned miss, so I was expecting it - and I'm not tired and I can't wait for my long swim/bike/run tomorrow. Yeah for recovering and for kicking The Crud's butt.

I also think I may have my 'unhealthy carb' cravings kicked. At least yesterday, I had no problems - didn't even want a cookie, The Five O'Clock Feeding Frenzy never happened - we went out to eat and I didn't feel the need to stuff my face - left more than half of my dinner for today's lunch and didn't die for dessert. So, that was cool. It seems that if I include a protein at every meal and snack, and have fruit for snack and vegetable based meals, it keeps everything on an even keel. Like what you said, Bold. More protein. Also, making sure I got plenty of healthy carbs in the way of fruit seemed to help. I guess my body is craving carbs so, if I stock it with the good stuff, it won't ask for the bad stuff. Not that I'll never indulge in the "bad stuff", but I can feel like I have control over whether I say yes or no to the Cookie Monster. The crazy thing about The Feeding Frenzy is that I feel pretty much out of control - my body is demanding food and whatever is in sight is fair game.

Also - I registered for my "A" race, the Lake St. Louis Triathlon - Olympic Distance. Yikes. I'm really doing this. OK, deep breath - its in September, my training is going well and I will be ready. And if I'm not ready, I'm going to start anyway. I can't control all the factors that may or may not get me to the Finish Line, but I can sure as hell get myself to the Start. Barring hurricanes, violent illness or other God Forbid occurrences. I will Start. That's all anyone can promise.

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